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How to use ball joint separator

The most commonly known tool for separating ball joints is the pickle fork. What is essentially a long two-prong wedge, the pickle fork is also known as a part destroyer. Do not use a pickle fork on a reusable part. If you are removing the joint in order to replace or service something else, the pickle fork will only cost you more money. The reason is that you can’t save the dust boots, a fork will always rip them. If you are replacing the joint, then it really won’t matter. To use a pickle fork, simply slide it between the spindle and the control arm as tight as you can and then hit the free end with a hammer. This drives the wedge between the two points and forces the joint out of the taper.

Just like it sounds, a pickle fork looks like a two-prong fork. You hit it with a hammer.

Just like it sounds, a pickle fork looks like a two-prong fork. You hit it with a hammer.

Here is the fork in action. The tines go between the boot and the spindle. These will destroy the boot, so be aware.